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Editorial design October 15, 2020

Municipality of Canelones Report

  • Strategy

    Editorial design

  • Design

    Editorial design

  • Client

    Intendencia de Canelones


A public policies publication that appeals to the general public.

In 2020, the Rural Development Agency of the Municipality of Canelones decided to prepare a report with the objective of keeping a record of the actions carried out during the administrative period from 2015 to 2020. This report aims to give visibility to the work done and at the same time leave a tool for future planning of public policies in rural development.

To achieve this, it was necessary to turn this record into an attractive publication for both the public administration and the general population, as they were the subjects of the projects presented in the report.

These projects exceed the productive vision associated with rural areas, and emphasize the people’ rights, such as housing, education, gender and sustainability, making it an extremely extensive document, so the client’s main concern was that the publication would be unattractive for the general population to read.



The technical nature of the content and the need to make it attractive to the general public led the design to a style similar to study manuals, with a marked hierarchy of text, blocks of highlighted information, photographs and graphics.

Easy navigation

Since the content covers a diversity of audiences and interests, the content was structured in chapters differentiated by color, which allow for quick identification and location of the sections to be consulted.

Before After


A six-column grid was generated, creating a flexible structure that allows the construction of variable pages to maintain the reader’s interest throughout the document. To strengthen this, a balance is maintained between whites, texts and images, avoiding pages with large blocks of text that can be overwhelming.

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